Today’s blog comes with a companion podcast. Get it here
If you love it so much you should marry it !

My love affair with my Play Station Portable made another leap this week. The PSP is an awesome game device, and its screen makes watching movies a treat. The built in wireless to date has been unexciting, since all it did was check for software updates.
That was until this week. All that changed with Sony’s latest software update, which includes control over the desktop theme, support for more types of audio, image and video files, and best of all, a web browser. Oh baby.
Entering URL’s is a bit of a pain, but a few customized link pages will solve that – and it stores favourites just like your desktop browser.
For months now I’ve been raving about the video quality on this device, and being able to load up demo reels for clients is a real asset. Since it will play still images in a slide show mode, I’ve even converted a few of my powerpoint presentations to play on the PSP’s wide screen. Say it with me now, Oh Baby.
This week also marked the release of the PSP in Europe, look for lots of PSP innovation in the months heading into the Christmas rush. Now if Sony would just open up the market on the clamshell disc so we could record movies on them instead of memory sticks – we’d all be screaming Oh Baby.
The news just takes itself too damn seriously.
(with apologies to my friend Anton)
Who needs CBC comedy shows when we’ve got the daily papers. Two stories in today’s Vancouver Sun, apparently completely unrelated. Hmmmm ?

And taking things a bit too seriously…
The lockout at CBC seems to be frying some brain cells. Quirks and Quarks producer Jim Handman claimed in a letter to the editor that his team created podcasting to CBC. This was in reply to an earlier article quoting a manager who made reference to new technologies, like podcasting, and how they are changing the landscape at CBC, and how it is important for CBC to keep up to these rapid changes. Jim’s rebutal was super cutting, saying how his team of STAFF employees (not contract employees) came up with this [podcasting] innovation. It’s a nice argument, but it’s incorrect.
Back in the mid-nineties, we had gigabytes of audio available for download. This was for our show RealTime, which was live in real time, across Canada and around the world on the Internet. Produced at CBC Vancouver (by a bunch of contract employees, not that it really matters) we had an impressive archive of material available, until CBC got nervous about downloading and told us to remove the files. Joe Lawlor at CBC Toronto was also doing the same. As everyone knows, podcasting is just another form of downloading files; after all it’s an RSS attachment of an mp3 file. So Jim, it’s terrific you guys are doing it, but sorry dude, you didn’t start it, not by a long shot.