- Stuck in traffic on Blue Jay Way @ Track 9 And 3/4 http://t.co/nl1Z2OjS #
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Stuck in traffic on Blue Jay W…
Stuck in traffic on Blue Jay Way @ Track 9 And 3/4 http://t.co/nl1Z2OjS
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-29
- More maintenance than sailing the last couple of days – just one of those things to love about owning an old sailboat. http://t.co/QeGCoCut #
- 90 minutes from my house in n. van to departure gate at YVR. Well done #canadaline http://t.co/Tw7MZhdK #
90 minutes from my house in n….
90 minutes from my house in n. van to departure gate at YVR. Well done #canadaline http://t.co/Tw7MZhdK
More maintenance than sailing …
More maintenance than sailing the last couple of days – just one of those things to love about owning an old sailboat. http://t.co/QeGCoCut
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-20
- While @chocapprentice and I were out sailing today, the boys made her a lovely Mo Day Cake http://t.co/DPfnAKif #
- Sea Shepherd's Paul Watson arrested in Germany http://t.co/d86EQxrg #
- Zero residue – extremely flammable. How did I ever make it all work before discovering Contact Cleaner. http://t.co/ddIoroBF #
- Reception. West Van branch office @ Thunderbird Marina http://t.co/uzbGXSe8 #
- Some real characters at my table last night at the North Van Chamber of Commerce Governors' Gala http://t.co/3wXog3tq #
- oh no. I can not get Weebl's "Shrimp Glockenspiel" out of my head. Try it, you'll like it… http://t.co/Nt9sJoQT #
- I think they're heading out on a double date – pure west coast style. http://t.co/6p8htbfz #
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-20
- I think they're heading out on a double date – pure west coast style. http://t.co/6p8htbfz #
I think they’re heading out on…
I think they’re heading out on a double date – pure west coast style. http://t.co/6p8htbfz
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-18
- Some real characters at my table last night at the North Van Chamber of Commerce Governors' Gala http://t.co/3wXog3tq #
- oh no. I can not get Weebl's "Shrimp Glockenspiel" out of my head. Try it, you'll like it… http://t.co/Nt9sJoQT #
oh no. I can not get Weebl’s …
oh no. I can not get Weebl’s “Shrimp Glockenspiel” out of my head. Try it, you’ll like it… http://t.co/Nt9sJoQT
Some real characters at my tab…
Some real characters at my table last night at the North Van Chamber of Commerce Governors’ Gala http://t.co/3wXog3tq
Fabulous Fun Fund Raiser

The North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce held its annual Governors’ Gala and fund- raiser last night at the Pinnacle Hotel.
It was a sold-out event, and raised over 70-thousand dollars for North Vancouver’s Presentation House Theatre.
Despite the odd people at my table (see photo above) it was a great time, and so nice to see such support for Presentation House and its new artistic director Kim Selody.
MC Vicki Gabereau made a point of reminding everyone that along with giving generously, the most important way to support live theatre is to attend a performance.
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-15
- Reception. West Van branch office @ Thunderbird Marina http://t.co/uzbGXSe8 #
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-14
- While @chocapprentice and I were out sailing today, the boys made her a lovely Mo Day Cake http://t.co/DPfnAKif #
- Sea Shepherd's Paul Watson arrested in Germany http://t.co/d86EQxrg #
- Zero residue – extremely flammable. How did I ever make it all work before discovering Contact Cleaner. http://t.co/ddIoroBF #
Reception. West Van branch off…
Reception. West Van branch office @ Thunderbird Marina http://t.co/uzbGXSe8
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13
- Too true. @ Back Forty http://t.co/NuNY65Ot #
Zero residue – extremely flamm…
Zero residue – extremely flammable. How did I ever make it all work before discovering Contact Cleaner. http://t.co/ddIoroBF
Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson arr…
Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson arrested in Germany http://t.co/d86EQxrg
While the Cat’s Away
I did remember to call my Mom back in Manitoba today before heading out into the sunshine.
It’s the first really warm weekend of spring here in the Lower Mainland, so I managed to convince EB to join me for a Mothers’ Day sail.
We had a pretty lively sail in the Southern Strait – the wind was just perfect for Madsu under 100% jib and full main. We scooted along at 5.5 knots plus going to weather – and I actually had to get my sweater on – the wind off the water was a tiny bit cool.
But I had an motive for getting EB out of the house. While were were gone, the boys fired up the Kitchen Aid to create an original masterpiece.
Happy Mothers’ Day to all you cool cats.
While @chocapprentice and I we…
While @chocapprentice and I were out sailing today, the boys made her a lovely Mo Day Cake http://t.co/DPfnAKif
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-11
- Too true. @ Back Forty http://t.co/NuNY65Ot #