Any Club That Would Have Me as a Member…

Oh No.

I’m so ordinary.

At least according to the latest research from Ipsos.

nearly four-in-ten Internet-enabled adults in Canada (37%) have visited an online social network or online social community and three-in-ten (29%) have placed a profile on at least one such site.

But it gets worse. I’m not even a ‘cool old guy’. There are cool old guys and gals everywhere…

…three-in-ten 35 to 54 year olds (29%) have visited such a site and one-in-five (21%) have placed a personal profile on one. One-in-five Canadians aged 55 and older (20%) have visited an online social network or community and one-in-ten (9%) have placed a personal profile on one.

OMG. This is the equivalent to wearing penny loafers in the 70’s, isn’t it ?

Read more, and weep, on the Ispsos site.

Track Your Friends' Web Habits

I can barely keep track of my own browsing history, but soon I’ll be able to track all my friends’ with FriendFeed…

FriendFeed allows users to see what their friends are reading, listening to or viewing on the Web as a continuous stream of notifications. This stream can appear on a personal Web page or in a module on the user’s customized page on Facebook or Google. The system does not require the installation of software, but it does require the friends to choose to participate.

full story here

An invite only beta starts on Monday. Someone invite me, k ?

Rights Cleared ? Maybe not

In interesting story for anyone using someone else’s images for publication:

A Texan family is now suing Virgin Mobile for using a photo of their daughter, Alison Chang, in an ad campaign – the catch is, it was released by the photographer on Flickr under the Creative Commons Attribution license, and that’s where Virgin Mobile got the photo from. The problem is, the girl featured in the photo had no idea her photo was being used – or that it was released under the Creative Commons license.

Full story here

What Every Yachter Needs

Sometimes a yacht just isn’t enough.

Yacht sales have increased 10 percent to 15 percent a year in the last few years, and this year was no exception. Since everyone who is anyone has to have a yacht, and increasingly does, what buyers want most now, naturally, are accessories: minisubmarines and helicopters.

Read the whole story at the International Herald Tribune, with some awesome photos.

Pictured above is the U-BoatWorx Submersible, photo courtesy U-BoatWorx

Chris Mizzoni's Clancy With the Puck Podcast

Our latest podcast for Raincoast Books is with Chris Mizzoni. He’s an illustrator at Studio B Productions here in Vancouver and he wrote a lovely hockey story called Clancy with the Puck.

Chris is a graduate of Sheridan College.

The Raincoast podcast RSS feed is or if you’ve got iTunes installed, here’s the direct link to the Raincoast feed there.

Oh, and try saying Clancy With the Puck Podcast really fast 3 times…

What's Wrong with Old Media

photo by
photo by violet blue

San Francisco based columnist and blogger Violet Blue is sharing her recent experience as an “expert guest” on the Tyra Banks TV show.

It’s a pitch perfect picture of what’s wrong with old-media, starting with their insisting VB cover her tattoos.

When I was about to go onstage in front of the studio audience, a staff member presented me with a list of pre-planned questions they’d had all along.

The answers to all of those questions — my answers — were also included. The staff member who had me review them confessed to having cut and pasted the responses from my Oprah article. I said, “I know. I can recognize my own writing.”

Read Violet Blue’s full post with pics and vid here.

If you’re thinking this is an anomaly, don’t.

Back 2 Blog

Things have been quiet around here the last ten days. I’ve been off the grid with Madsu cruising the Gulf Islands. More once I go through some of the pics. Here’s Madsu in the Secretary Islands our first night out.


Did CUPE use Non-Union Puppeteers ?

The City of Vancouver is going back to the table with striking workers. But the real question of the day – Did CUPE use non-union puppeteers ? I think so…

At Library Square, CUPE put on a puppet show, featuring a fantasy tale about a farmer named Sam and how he learned to negotiate. Sporting hand puppets, union members like Marya Gadison, put on a funny play based on the children’s book “Click-clack-moo” (via News 1130)


I think CUPE should brace itself for a call from Union Internationale de la Marionnette.

Chef Ben Cote Podcast – Bouillabaisse

This podcast was originally created for Capers Community Markets and hosted on their website.  After their purchase by Whole Foods, the local Capers site was taken offline, the podcasts with them.

We’re happy to make the podcast available to you here:


We’ve just posted the latest Capers Community Markets podcast.

This one features Cassis Bistro owner and creator of Étuvé foods, Chef Ben Cote.

All I can say is – – – YUM.

