Carnegie Hall stage hands making the big bucks, say it isn’t sooo. (with the link this time)
Carnegie Hall stage hands maki…
Carnegie Hall stage hands making the big bucks ? say it isn’t soooooo
Kierstin De West’s presentatio…
Kierstin De West’s presentation & research: The Cultural Shift to Sustainability and the Importance of Local, now online
So glad my update of TweetDeck…
So glad my update of TweetDeck crashed+burned. Back to the SUPER IMPROVED HootSuite and loving it. local too. #hootsuite
Remember tonight in North Vanc…
Remember tonight in North Vancouver: Feeding the Future with Michael Ableman, founder of Centre for Urban Agriculture more
TweetDeck – w’as up with you ?…
TweetDeck – w’as up with you ? Downloaded update & it borked my installation -air says file is corrupt.
In case U forget why U switche…
In case U forget why U switched to a Mac. Auto update on my XP box runs and totally *ucked up my machine. Now trying to restore. Thanx MS
Upgrading all my client’s site…
Upgrading all my client’s sites to WP 2.8.5. Love the auto update function in WordPress – though stil do backups before I start…
KUDOS; FCP on a new 8 core Mac…
KUDOS; FCP on a new 8 core Mac Pro. Dreamy to the max. Send me your video projects!
My tire guy says for some reas…
My tire guy says for some reason he’s had tons of people coming in to get winter tires on. Bizarre given we usually wait until it’s SNOWING
BOO to Save-on-Foods – they se…
BOO to Save-on-Foods – they sell cigarettes but no Fare-Saver (transit tix) or bus passes. Ended up at Safeway, where they do sell them
RT @stephmarshall: Five-pound …
RT @stephmarshall: Five-pound Gummy Bear… this makes me not miss candy: via @msaleem #ayearwithoutcandy
Digger foils oly village secur…
Digger foils oly village security test Shades of internet disruptions in the 90’s blamed on ‘backhoe in seattle’.
Encountered Fall on the Way Ho…
Encountered Fall on the Way Home [pic]
Fall Finds Horseshoe Bay [pic]…
Fall Finds Horseshoe Bay [pic]
Loco BC screencast
I’ve just finished the first screencast from the LoCo BC event on October 6th.
It’s here, on VanGoGreen.
New screencast/podcast from la…
New screencast/podcast from launch of LoCo BC, new business network for local small/medium BC biz.. :
Relaxin’ Dog [pic] http://ff.i…
Relaxin’ Dog [pic]
Hmmm, after crazy gales the la…
Hmmm, after crazy gales the last couple of days, looks like a BBQ night here on the NOrth Shore.
Windows on my dual (duel?) boo…
Windows on my dual (duel?) boot macbook now “installing update 7 of 42, Do Not Turn Off or Unplug Your Computer”. Off to make dinner…
Things You Figured Were True, Are.
Sometimes a news story just jumps out at you as being so obvious that it’s hard to believe someone’s actually doing a story about it.
Two today from CBC.CA.
First story. It’s only surprising it’s taken this long for someone to turn up evidence that big tobacco knew ages ago that cigs are bad for you…
Imperial Tobacco Canada destroyed up to 60 early studies that linked cigarettes to addiction and carcinogens, according to a review published Wednesday in the online Canadian Medical Association Journal. (full story here)
Perhaps not surprisingly, Imperial Tobacco makes no mention of this on their web site, but proudly proclaims this:
We’re an international tobacco company focused on creating value for our shareholders.
Imperial Tobacco products are available in over 160 countries worldwide. Our geographic diversity and versatile multi-product portfolio provides business resilience and a strong platform for future growth.
Future growth ! Shareholder value !
Well guess what ? All the future growth and shareholder value is based on a product that will kill you.
My sister, a 2 pack a day smoker, died of lung cancer in her early 40’s. I was with her when she died.
Not a lot of future growth there, fellas.
Second story.
It’s surprising someone gave university researchers a $150,000 car to do this study, proving that fast cars and testosterone are linked.
Well, duh.
Researchers at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business in Montreal took 39 willing young men and let them take a cruise in a $150,000 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet.
The men were then asked to drive a 16-year-old Toyota Camry. (full story here)
According to the lead researcher, “just put a guy in a Porsche, and his testosterone levels shoot up”.
Well, duh again.
But hang on here.
Every time I get in our Toyota Yaris, I most definitely have a little testosterone thing going on. Fully loaded, the Yaris clocks in at under 20-grand and even used to get a gas-miser rebate from the feds.
Maybe the John Molson School of Business should come out here and do a little study on us West Coast Men.