RT @livingactor: Battlestar Galacticions (no mention of Vancouver fog) looking back on their fav moments http://bit.ly/3ZCx
RT @thenfb: @bigsnit We love y…
RT @thenfb: @bigsnit We love your name! http://www.nfb.ca/film/The-Big-Snit/
adding root canal to my life e…
adding root canal to my life experiences – like a few I’ve had , I’d say it’s interesting, but not sure I’d go there again given a choice…
Voice Over Gone Bad
Audio is close to my heart, and it pains me deeply when I hear a bad voice-over
And I hear it a lot.
This collection of bad video-game-voice-overs is, well, awful, in a good way.
(cross posted to Living With An Actor)
Now we’re talking. Cleveland P…
Now we’re talking. Cleveland Public Library First to Offer EPUB eBook Downloads . http://bit.ly/NnfJ
fog horns blowing in north van…
fog horns blowing in north van. lovin it
Merge Challenged Spammer
Has it come to this ?
If spammers are going to continue to pester the rest of us, the least they can do is do their annoying job properly.
In today’s email, this eh-hole didn’t even finish his find-replace (merge is probably far too technical). Hence..
I am John Woogies, and I am the General Manager for . We are a group of
business oriented people who deal primarily in screen process, wicks and braids.. [rest snipped because it’s the usual crap
John John John. If you’re going to take the time and trouble to send thousand of emails out to people who know better, the least you can do is take some pride in your work, as horrid as it is. General Manager for ??? What ???
If this is what’s become of the art of spam, no wonder the economy is in the toilet.
Working on skills upgrade list…
Working on skills upgrade list for reclining economy : feel blog post coming – time to tap some pals for their list – fries with that ?
pipes are clogged all over the…
pipes are clogged all over the place this morning, making my usual power reading less the optimal. time to visit the barrista and chill.
big fog in north van, the furn…
big fog in north van, the furnace guys are here, and my cats are ticked they have to stay out of the action (furnace + cats = trouble)
77 days and Madsu’s back in th…
77 days and Madsu’s back in the water at Sewell’s.
knitting in Sydney. sheesh. i…
knitting in Sydney. sheesh. isn’t it summer over there ? http://bit.ly/150c5
RT @twittfeed: Huffington Post…
RT @twittfeed: Huffington Post James Glave: Is GreenTech Too Girly?: A new survey of what Americans bel.. http://tinyurl.com/5f37r4
All e-book campus ? Maybe. …
All e-book campus ? Maybe. I’ve got me Sony reader ready . do they have snowboarding in Missouri ? http://bit.ly/c0K1
After a lifetime in hierarchic…
After a lifetime in hierarchical orgs (and gloriously out) couldn’t agree more re: social media and hierarchy…http://bit.ly/CYPW
bury the beacon, find the beac…
bury the beacon, find the beacon. and some simple advice. http://bit.ly/16YUI
MAN to man on corner: Hey, I h…
MAN to man on corner: Hey, I heard this great joke about a radio announcer. man- hey, careful, I’m a radio announcer. MAN- ok, i’ll go slow
RT @livingactor: New blog post…
RT @livingactor: New blog post: SAG Puts the Spurs to the Horse http://tinyurl.com/9p4fyz
Those Darned Email Links
I love Twitter.
Now that it hardly ever goes sleepy, we’ve got nothing to complain about.
Except today, I registered a new Twitter user for a client, and as usual Twitter sent a lovely email back with info about the account etc.
Problem is the email link to their ‘invite your friends’ page is 404.
Hello, new Twitter-er!
Using Twitter is going to change the way you think about staying in touch with friends and family. Did you know you can send and receive Twitter updates via mobile texting or the web? To do that, you’ll want to visit your settings page (and you’ll want to invite some friends).
Activate Phone: http://twitter.com/devices
Invite Your Friends: http://twitter.com/invitations/inviteThe New York Times calls Twitter “one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet.” TIME Magazine says, “Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app,” and Newsweek noted that “Suddenly, it seems as though all the world’s a-twitter.” What will you think? http://twitter.com
Thanks again for signing up!
– Biz Stone and The Twitter Team
Maybe they’ll fix the page.
In the meantime, I think at least one of the right URLs for the Invite Your Friends is http://twitter.com/invitations/invite_by_email
RT @arstechnica: Steve Jobs on…
RT @arstechnica: Steve Jobs on leave from Apple over “complex” health issues – http://ping.fm/L8rHh
another example of social medi…
another example of social media as crisis management tool , cork’d. http://bit.ly/rYjT oh, and is the mrkgprofs logo not twitter-like ?