You shouldn’t really believe everything you read on the Internet. Then again, you really should write everything you believe on the Internet either…
A teenage girl who gradually poisoned her mother into a coma while keeping a blog about her worsening health will be sent for treatment in a reformatory, a court official said today...
full story – Sydney Morning Herald
This will completely ruin the teen male’s twin pursuits of a) sneaking into bars and b) dating older women. Technology really does suck…
Kodak may soon be able to accurately gauge one’s age when it comes snapshot time. They apparently filed a patent in 2004 for a system which…determines the age of a photographer’s subject
full story – EnGadge
Even though this story seems like something out of the archives, it’s new today. With average condo prices in the 450k range, Vancouverites can only weep at this story out of Manitoba…
Brandon’s first loft-style condo complex, Paragon Lofts, is being developed in a former Manitoba Telephone System building. Built in 1913, the building has huge windows that look out over Brandon’s downtown and the Assiniboine River valley.
Prices for the condos start around $99,000.
full story – CBC Manitoba
Those crazy kids at Bryght are offering up a chance of a lifetime. Negotiating tip: make sure you get your own stool at Take 5 and some freebie Yoga for Geeks sessions…
Vancouver students: Want to earn $US 4500 while working on Drupal Google Summer of Code projects? We’ve got free WiFi, desks for two students and Drupal culture that you can soak up in spades (as well as Bryght guy Adrian being a SOC mentor) from us here at the Vancouver Bryght offices at 525 Seymour.
What’s the catch? Well you have to apply by May 8th
full story – Bryght web site
While on the subject of Bryght – catch Will (meet the flocker) Pate’s new haircut, alpha version.
And finally, as others have noted in droves, there’s just something WRONG here…
Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards is having top-secret treatment in an Auckland private hospital after suffering head injuries in a fall from a coconut tree in Fiji on Thursday.
full story – Sydney Morning Herald |
Imagine for a minute that you are Keith Richards.
Someone says “Hey Keith buddy, want to climb a coconut tree ?”
Even you, an imaginary Keith Richards, would surely say, “no f’n way”.