Valentine Day Bounty


Vancouver got a glimpse of spring today, and it seemed like everyone was out trying to grab a piece of it.

It was clear and crisp today, not particularly warm at plus 6 – but could tell that the city is buzzing with the idea that winter may be behind us.


Tibetan Fund Raiser


My friend Luyen Dao is organizing a unique fund raiser later this month.

For five days, from Feb 24-28, a group of Tibetan monks will create a Sand Mandala at Dr. Sun-Yat Sen Gardens in Vancouver.

It’s incredibly intricate work, and this is a chance to see first hand how it is done by masters of the technique who are visiting Vancouver from the Dzongkar Choede Monastery.

I got Luyen to tell me a bit more about it when I visited with him at the gardens…

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A $10 tickets gets you admission to the gardens for the entire five days, and $2 from every ticket goes to help support the young monks, many of whom are orphaned or come from poor Tibetan families.

You can get more information and updates on the event on the fund raiser web site.

Here’s the link to the Dr. Sun-Yat Sen Gardens web site.

You can also grab this invitation and pass it along to a friend.

Here’s a YouTube video of a sand mandala being made.
