- Had a lovely day on the water – bonus – my two boys joined me for a little December sailing in Howe Sound. http://t.co/B3uWqD85 #
- Once again #avid impresses me with their prompt assistance and thorough follow-through as I dig out from under my Lion up-grade #
- Some Cats are Ready for Powder http://t.co/4lhkflXx #
- Woaw. There's some serious Christmas front lawn action happening on Bellvue in West Vancouver. http://t.co/SZTxEyJE #
- If you're looking for some used and in great shape snowboard gear, we've got some that's gotta go (north van) http://t.co/KfFZJQwu #
- Tacky. LA Times Santa phone offer – for $3.99 some guy pre-records a message as Santa then calls your kid. http://t.co/6GyszgOO #
- Thanks goodness for posting to Craiglist – somewhere I can still use my HTML markup skills #
- Blowing' out some candles later http://t.co/wO7PgWCG #
- Why do these people look so sad ? Aren't they getting a pardon ? I'm confused. http://t.co/ZLAXdLxd #