Toronto Kicks Vancouver's Tag

I’m not competitive or anything, but here’s how Toronto and Vancouver compare – at least when it comes to Technorati Tags. (these charts are dynamic and will change over time)

Posts that contain Toronto per day for the last 30 days.
Technorati Chart

Posts that contain Vancouver per day for the last 30 days.
Technorati Chart
Vancouver bloggers – Toronto’s kicking our blogasses.

Lets see if we can do something about that shall we.

Get your own chart!

2 thoughts on “Toronto Kicks Vancouver's Tag”

  1. Excellent point Michael.

    There’s the Gross Tag Measure (GTM) and then there’s the Per Capita Tags (PCT).

    Ok, wait a sec…that’s way too much math for me…maybe we should get Roland T on the case … he can probably output it to his phone…


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